About Shmallery 

  • Shmallery is a voluntary, non-profit, art promotion brand, launched by Pete ‘OwlFacedBoy’ Oak in 2016.  I give my time completely freely, and have no business or rent overheads, so the only outgoings are the direct costs associated to the projects listed on this website.

  • I formed Shmallery to help promote urban artists of all disciplines and levels, by making their work more accessible, visible and available to buy. I will achieve this by; organising pop-up sales and exhibitions; administering an online store that sells and aggregates work by our partner artists; supporting and organising the creation of limited edition artwork; hosting web pages  promoting work by each of our partner artists at Shmallery.uk/Artists.

  • By keeping overheads and costs to a minimum, artists will always receive a fairer percentage than typical gallery sales charges.

  • Profits generated from each project will be reinvested into perpetually funding and promoting the next project.


My first dip into the art world was in August’15, helping to promote Skeleton Cardboard’s solo show in Redchurch St, Shoreditch, by providing him with an Art Pot vending machine to sell miniature pieces of artwork from. Expect to see more vending machines at upcoming Shmallery events.

For news of what’s next, check out the PROJECTS page.

Please email Pete – Pete@Shmallery.uk with any questions or feedback.


Supporters, Suppliers & Providers of High Quality Wares


Shmallery Press & Mentions

Skeleton Cardboard’s solo show Not In Use – Organ Art – 27/07/15